Saturday, October 16, 2010


It's just occured to me that I write a lot of random posts but not a lot about what I'm actually doing, activity wise. This is pretty much due to the fact that I'm really quite lazy and can't be bothered writing detailed posts.

I don't really care though. But in ten years time I'm going to regret it because of all the memories lost.

Took a heap of photos the other day with the girls... I am going to MISS them.
FETE! Next week.
I sent home my first box of summer clothes today...
...But I keep on seeing clothes I really want to buy (and probably will. I'm in FRANCE, after all!)
It's cold.
Holidays next week (and seeing Breeeeeeeee! Yay!)
Constantly in French mode.
Got 6.5/10 in Philo. I am awesome.
My Philo teacher is insane...but a good teacher, nonetheless.
I will never look good in school photos, even if I am made up and my hair is how I want it and I'm wearing what I want. FML.
Twenty million strikes and protests going on at the moment because of the retirement age going up. Kinda worrying because soon the planes are going to be striking...
It's going to be interesting being back in Australia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a hopeful exchanger and i have a few questions for you!
A) was EF a good organization? If so why? If not why?
B) did you do the French prep class?? If you did - was it good?
C) what is a good age to go? I am hoping to go in year 10 - I will be 15. young i know, but i think I can handle it.
Thanks so much :)