Friday, November 6, 2009


I hate them.

Ok, so at least all I had to do was fill out some paper work. EF takes all the forms to the consulate over east, so no scary interviews for me!! The paper work was a bit random- two double pages, filled out exactly the same, a parental authorisation thing, a finacial guarentee thing, probably some other stuff I can't remember, my passport, my birth certificate, copies of my parents' passports, etc etc. I tried filling it out, looked at my handwriting, and gave it up! I think I'd probably have a better chance of actually getting a visa if the paperwork didn't look as though it was filled out by a five year old. Of course, my writing isn't that bad. Honestly... =)

Oh, and I had to get poked with a needle some more. This time it was a vaccination. The last two were blood type and a tuberculosis test. Oh, the trials of being an exchange student =)

Yet another thing coming together...It's becoming more and more real, yet is still unimaginable.

Pre-departure orientation on the 14th. Exciting =)=)


[bt] said...

hey kirsty!

oh my...i just sped-read through your blog & felt all the same pre-departure feelings as you described in your beginning posts. it's hard to believe that less that three months ago, i was still panicking because i couldn't get a date at the french consulate to get my visa...i guess time slows down a tad when you're in a foreign country!

anyway, i wish you good luck on your preparation & your trip & thanks for the nice comment :) actually, my real sister (not host) is going to australia for a year in 2011!!


laura. said...

Ok, your title of this blog is really annoying me- is it from a song?? I can just remember a song singing, "525 600 minutes something something something something something a year?" or something like that... am I right? Or just crazy? P.s. Where abouts in Perth do you live?? I used to live in Hilarys, a bit out of Perth :)