Monday, October 18, 2010


GEORGIA : You commented on my last post with some questions. Would you mind letting me know your email please? That way we can communicate directly =) I'm excited to hear about your exchange aspirations!! Yay =)

France is currently filled with people protesting in the streets and striking over the retirement age which has just augumented. Some petrol stations are no longer open and trains and planes are not circulating too often. If this keeps on going then food is going to be hard to get and I won't be able to get home. Being a foreigner will not be a good thing. Am hoping this stops soon.



xx.georgia said... how should I do that without letting (potentially) the whole world know my email :P

I am actually extremely far away from even applying for an exchange. The earliest I can like leave is in 2013 :P im an obsseive planner :)

Sam said...

You better be coming home. I dont want to be in Melb all my myself!!